full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mandy Len Catron: Falling in love is the easy part

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So the week before the aclrite came out, I was very nervous. I had been wrikong on a book about love stories for the past few years, so I had gotten used to wtiinrg about my own experiences with rmoaitnc love on my blog. But a blog post might get a couple hundred views at the most, and those were usually just my Facebook friends, and I figured my article in the New York temis would probably get a few thousand views. And that felt like a lot of attention on a relatively new relationship. But as it turned out, I had no idea.

Open Cloze

So the week before the _______ came out, I was very nervous. I had been _______ on a book about love stories for the past few years, so I had gotten used to _______ about my own experiences with ________ love on my blog. But a blog post might get a couple hundred views at the most, and those were usually just my Facebook friends, and I figured my article in the New York _____ would probably get a few thousand views. And that felt like a lot of attention on a relatively new relationship. But as it turned out, I had no idea.


  1. romantic
  2. times
  3. working
  4. article
  5. writing

Original Text

So the week before the article came out, I was very nervous. I had been working on a book about love stories for the past few years, so I had gotten used to writing about my own experiences with romantic love on my blog. But a blog post might get a couple hundred views at the most, and those were usually just my Facebook friends, and I figured my article in the New York Times would probably get a few thousand views. And that felt like a lot of attention on a relatively new relationship. But as it turned out, I had no idea.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
york times 3
romantic love 3
modern love 2
love column 2
study designed 2
create romantic 2
personal questions 2
short version 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
modern love column 2

Important Words

  1. article
  2. attention
  3. blog
  4. book
  5. couple
  6. experiences
  7. facebook
  8. felt
  9. figured
  10. friends
  11. idea
  12. lot
  13. love
  14. nervous
  15. post
  16. relationship
  17. romantic
  18. stories
  19. thousand
  20. times
  21. turned
  23. week
  24. working
  25. writing
  26. years
  27. york